The 5 Worst and Tacky Cars in Speciality Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show 2015 in Los Angeles

Posted by Heru Susanto on 7:29 AM

Autometronicschool. - There are many advanced technology and high class modification car in Speciality Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show 2015 in Los Angeles, Nevada, US. But, beside it, there are also many car that categorized as worst and tacky car in this event.

Autonews chose vehicles with existing slob concept at the SEMA Show this year. In addition to the lack of clarity of the concept, this criterion also displays cars with makeup that does not fit.

Although not explained why the chosen vehicle as a vehicle with a bad concept, but in terms of visuals alone, is already showing it. And Autometronicschool mentioned 5 The 5 Worst and Tacky Cars in Speciality Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show 2015 in Los Angeles as follow.

1. Diseased Green Tricycle

2. Crystal Covered Porsche

3. Pink Lexus

4. Crazy Smart Car

5. Lifted Bro Truck



Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 7:29 AM


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